European Coalition to End Animal Experiments


Our vision


Founded in 1990, the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE) is an umbrella organisation of currently 18 animal protection and scientific organisations across Europe.


Our aim is the abolition of all animal experiments. We strive for a paradigm change in politics, research and society to enable a future where modern and humane animal-free methods are used in research, testing and education instead of animal experiments.


What we do

Originally, the Coalition was formed to campaign for a ban on animal testing for cosmetics. Other campaign objectives were added over the years, including:


Ÿ  REACH (Regulation 2006/1907/EC concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation
       and restriction of chemicals)

Ÿ  botox animal tests

Ÿ  animal-free production of antibodies

Ÿ     air transport of non-human primates from overseas to European laboratories.


We campaign for humane, modern science and progressive legislation. Our team of experts from major European anti-vivisection and animal protection organisations work together through coordinated action to achieve positive results for animals in laboratories.

As a leading umbrella organisation specialised in this area we have stakeholder status with official EU bodies which intersect with animal experiments, including:

Ÿ    ECHA (European Chemicals Agency)

Ÿ    Member State Committee (MCS)National Contact Point (NCP) of the Member States on the
      Directive 2010/63/EU 

Ÿ    CARACAL - Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP
      (Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances)

Ÿ    EURL (European Union Reference Laboratories)

Ÿ    ECVAM (European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods)

Ÿ    Following the European Citizens' Initiative 'Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics - Commit to a Europe
      without animal testing' we are working with the European Commission on a roadmap to phase
      out animal testing for the safety assessment of chemicals.


We work with the European Commision, MEPs and the wider public to ensure that the topic of animals experiments is on the European political agenda.

Transparency Register


The ECEAE is officially registered at the Transparency Register of the European Union.

Reg. number: 054680935509-93